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La Colonia Margarita Moran

La Colonia Margarita Moran is an underserved village on the hillside of Tijuana, Mexico. 


Among many things, the kids of La Colonia Margarita Moran do not have access to basic sports equipment that we take for granted such as balls and nets.


Most importantly - with only dirt roads and rocky hills, there is no proper ground in which these kids can safely and actively practice sports.

Therefore, Sports Medicine at UCLA set out to help the kids of La Colonia Margarita Moran.


Three times a year, we visit the village to 

provide sports donations and

public health education to the youth.


In addition, we aim to build sustainable playgrounds and sports fields in order to create a safe and stable environment where kids can freely play and

not be limited by their circumstances.

We do this because we believe in the happiness and motivation that sports can bring.

And NO ONE should be denied of this right.



We hope to promote active body and mind through sports,

and keep the kids away from the streets toward a healthy, goal-driven life.


Street Soccer Project

Currently, we're planning to build a street-style soccer court for the village.

Many kids in La Colonia Margarita Moran love to play soccer, but the grounds on which they run are rocky, hilly, full of metals and other trash that render it dangerous for them to play safely. 


That's why we want to build a soccer field for them! However, we meet many financial challenges like getting the equipment to even out the surface, pour concrete, paint, build fence, durable goalposts, and so much more.

You can help us out by either sending us construction supplies and sports equipment or by directly donating money.

All proceeds will go into funding the construction of street-style soccer court. 

Any equipment / any amount of money is greatly appreciated!


Please contact us if you want to send us supplies.

Our Inspiration

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